
Dark souls 3 ice knight
Dark souls 3 ice knight

dark souls 3 ice knight

Try luring the hounds up the stairs first before you attract the attention of the axe-wielder. Most of the Hollows praying to their transformed brethren won’t directly bother you - but always be on the lookout for those that pop up to attack.

dark souls 3 ice knight

Looking down from his vantage point, take stock of the area: two Bone Hounds patrol the length of the wall, with a large axe-wielding Hollow going up and down the nearby stairs, and a halberd carrying Hollow coming up and down the far spiraling stairs. A Hollow Archer is stationed up on a platform here looking down over the area, and had you come from another angle, he’d be taking potshots at you - so give him a nasty surprise. Look to the right of the bonfire, and right of the circling stairs to see a broken chunk of the rampart that looks straight over the next section of the wall. There are two ways to proceed, one of which leads to a dead-end, but is useful to clear out first if only for one important reason. It is through these series of small towers and ramparts that you’ll be traversing for now, as you head down a flight of stairs to the Bonfire for this area. You’ll enter via the Firelink Shrine into a small enclosed room, exit the room through the main door and gaze out across the vast stretch of ramparts that surround the city itself.

Dark souls 3 ice knight