What is this most depraved of weird mods from The Sims 4? Well, it’s NSFW af and allows you to perform all kinds of naughty sex acts on yourself and others. Chief among them is the WickedWoohoo mod, perhaps the most disturbing and graphic mod of the entire Sims franchise. The Sims 4 is host to many of the strangest mods of the franchise. With each new iteration of The Sims franchise comes more new mods.

Thanks to Rule 36, a lot of the weirdest mods revolve around sex and nudity, though there are a number of PG funny mods from The Sims. From massive orgies to pregnancy tests for men, there are a ton of weird Sims mods out there. Add mods to the equation and it gets very freaky very fast. Even without mods, The Sims can be a pretty weird game.